Xin Liu
Education Background
- 2019 ~ 2020, post doctoral researcher, University of Copenhagen.
- 2011 ~ 2014, PhD, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- 2008 ~ 2011, MSc, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- 2004 ~ 2008, BA, College of Forestry, Hebei Agricultural University, China.
In English
- Xin Liu and Kathrin Rousk. 2021. The moss traits that rule cyanobacterial colonization. Annals of Botany 129(2): 147–160. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcab127
- Xin Liu, Zhe Wang, Xiao Ming Li, Kathrin Rousk and Wei Kai Bao. 2020. High nitrogen resorption efficiency of forest mosses. Annals of Botany 125(4): 557-563. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcz199
- Xin Liu, Zhe Wang, Xiaoming Li and Weikai Bao. 2020. Nitrogen and phosphorus translocation of forest floor mosses as affected by a pulse of these nutrients. Journal of Plant Ecology 13(5): 633-640. DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtaa050
- Fang Lan Li, Hui Hu, Michael Luke McCormlack, De Feng Feng, Xin Liu and Wei Kai Bao. 2019. Community-level economics spectrum of fine-roots driven by nutrient limitations in subalpine forests. Journal of Ecology 107(3): 1238-1249. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13125
- Zhe Wang, Xin Liu, Maaike Y. Bader, Defeng Feng and Weikai Bao 2017. The ‘plant economic spectrum’ in bryophytes, a comparative study in subalpine forest. American Journal of Botany. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1600335
- Zhe Wang, Maaike Y. Bader, Xin Liu, Zhangming Zhu and Weikai Bao 2017. Comparisons of photosynthesis-related traits of 27 abundant or subordinate bryophyte species in a subalpine old-growth fir forest. Ecology and Evolution 7(18): 7454-7461. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3277
- FangLan Li, Xin Liu and WeiKai Bao 2016. Leaf lifespan is positively correlated with periods of leaf production and reproduction in 49 herb and shrub species. Ecology and Evolution 6(11): 3822-3831. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2147
- Zhe Wang, Xin Liu and WeiKai Bao 2016. Higher photosynthetic capacity and different functional trait scaling relationships in erect bryophytes compared with prostrate species. Oecologia 180(2): 359-369. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-015-3484-2
- Xin Liu, Zhe Wang, WeiKai Bao and XiaoMing Li 2015. Photosynthetic responses of two pleurocarpous mosses to low-level nitrogen addition: A study in an old-growth fir forest. Journal of Bryology 37(1): 15-22. DOI: 10.1179/1743282014y.0000000122
- Xin Liu and WeiKai Bao 2014. Understory plant assemblages present distinct short-term responses to the clear-cutting of an old-growth spruce forest near an alpine timberline. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(6): 562-571. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0377
- Zhi Qiang Fang, Wei Kai Bao, Xiao Li Yan and Xin Liu 2014. Understory structure and vascular plant diversity in naturally regenerated deciduous forests and spruce plantations on similar clear-cuts: Implications for forest regeneration strategy selection. Forests 5(4): 715-743. DOI: 10.3390/f5040715
In Chinese with English abstract
- Xin Liu, WeiKai Bao, Bin Hu, De Feng Feng, Xue Yong Pang, Jian Lin Ding and Zhan Bo Wu 2016. Plant species selection and adaptivity for vegetation restoration of alpine roadside slopes. Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology 22(6): 1015-1022. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1145.2016.01016
- Yan Ping Zhou, De Feng Feng, Xin Liu, WeiKai Bao and Yu Bao 2016. Assessing growth process of spruce saplings on cutovers of old-growth coniferous forest adjacent to timberline in eastern tibetan plateau. Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology 22(6): 1023-1030. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1145.2016.03007
- Fu Xing, WeiKai Bao, Xue Yong Pang, Xiao Li Yan and Xin Liu 2013. Radial growth process of picea asperata and its response to gap model thinning within the single spruce plantation at the western sichuan, china. Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology 19(2): 262-271. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1145.2013.00262
- Xin Liu and WeiKai Bao 2011. Community classification and structure of cupressus chenegiana forest. Guihaia 31(5): 608-613+640. DOI:
- Xin Liu and WeiKai Bao 2011. Community structure and vascular plant species composition of primary spruce forest near timberline in the eastern tibetan plateau. Biodiversity Science 19(1): 34-40. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2011.07098
Presentation and Posters
- Xin Liu and WeiKai Bao. 2012 June. Responses of forest-floor bryophyte assemblage to patched clear-cutting in primary spruce forest nearby alpine timberline. The 3rd International Forum for Young Ecologists, Henan University, Kaifeng, China. (Oral presentation)
- Xin Liu, Zhe Wang, XiaoMing Li and WeiKai Bao. 2017 July. XIX International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China. Poster